Monday, August 29, 2016

Journal 2 by Matt Elwer

My name is Matt Elwer and I am eighteen years old. I am striving to be a mathematics professor. Some of my hobbies include card games, writing poetry, videos games, and origami. One interesting thing about me is that I went on a one week cruise last December that departed from New Orleans. It stopped at Jamaica, Mexico, and the Grand Cayman Islands.

Matt Elwer
Out of the three profiles the one about the hobo stood out the most to me. It sends a message that even if you are struggling there is always people that have it worse. The message I believe this book is trying to send is to love what you have and strive to become a better person.

One interesting fact about myself is that I will graduate one year early because I earn forty college credits over that course of my high school career.

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