Monday, October 10, 2016

Journal 5- Seth Wicker

My favorite article was on Harold C. Cotton, the hat blocker. The reason I love this article is because of the ethics and morals of Cotton. Specifically his stand on segregation toward the end of the entry, when he allowed the African American veteran to get his shoes shined. Aside from his stand on segregation I appreciated his work ethic and how he obtained the hat blocking store. It was given to him because he showed that he could run the stand successfully due to his excellent work ethics.

Charlie DeLeo, the maintenance man, was also one of my favorites mainly because I am a maintenance man. I feel as though I am able to connect with DeLeo because I understand the importance of wanting something to look its best and  how much work it truly takes to maintain something so big and important. I've never been attacked while working, but I can imagine the fear that might have been presented within the situation,

My favorite image in the book was of James "Jim Boy" Smith pg.107.  I think this image does an excellent job of preparing the reader for the text to come. The mid range shot does an excellent job of making James the focus of the image while still giving enough background to see the environment that he is surrounded with.

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