Part 1
The two profiles that stick with me the most would have to be Percy Brigham the scaffold fisherman, and Roberta Blackgoat the Navajo activist. I think they stick with me the most because they are both about the environment around them and how it is changing but not in a good way necessarily. A few of my friends are in school for fisheries and wildlife which is basically all about trying to fix the enviornment and keep it safe and clean. since that is what they are always talking about it has become more important to me as well, because I'm now much more aware of the issues. While neither story is exactly about this theme they are both completely affected by what society is doing to their land and it does affect them in a more negative way.
Part 2
My favorite photo would have to be Robert Shields. The photo itself is just him in front of his typewriter, but what makes it stand out to me is the lighting used for the photo because it really highlights Robert and the typewriter while the rest of the picture is incredibly dark which seems like a great metaphor for his life since he was never away from it as though it literally was the whole world around him.
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