Wednesday, November 2, 2016

journal 6 Chelsey

Part one: Mr. Tanimoto has been the most interesting to me because he is in my opinion one of the heroes in this tragedy right now. He is running around helping people bring them water, trying to care for as many people as possible. "Those who were burned moaned, "Mizu, mizu! Water water!" Mr. Tanimoto found a basin in a nearby street and located a water trap that still worked in the crushed shell of a house, and he began carrying water to the suffering"( Hershey, 31). This shows me that his response to the bombing was very thoughtful . He was seperated from his wife and child, and once he saw them all he said was "oh, you are safe" (Hershey, 30). They spoke for a few moments then he was more concerned with helping the people who were injured. In this situation he was thinking about helping others once he knew his wife and child were safe. I thought the moment between his wife was very heart wrenching. But because he is trying to keep it together to help the people that need it, is why he is most interesting to me.

Part two: I am doing research on the question on how to handle nuclear waste.

 On this website about nuclear waste and different types of nuclear waste. I found a few ways that are acceptable methods to dispose of nuclear waste. According to this site these are the methods used for high level waste to prevent it from leaking and releasing toxins.
One is putting waste into borosilicate glass or synthetic rock.
A second way is sealing it in a corrosion resistant container such as stainless steal.
Another way is Put it underground in a stable rock structure.
The last way mentioned is surrounding containers with an impermeable backfill such as bentonite clay if the repository is wet.
While I was looking at these methods I wondered how affective they really are or if they are newer methods arising. I haven't found any thus far.


  1. I agree with you that Mr. Tanimoto was one of the ones that had the most impact on helping others. Once he knew his family was safe, he cared more about helping the others that were hurt during the bombing as opposed to guaranteeing his safety and going to be with his family. That is so cool to learn about how to handle nuclear waste. I would be curious to know which method the United States uses. I would also be curious to know whether or not one method is more effective than others. I think it is important to learn about how to handle nuclear waste.

  2. I thought your research was really good and informative. I never thought about how you could contain nuclear waste. I have never really been interested in it. I thought you did a good job of explaining the ways to contain it in, in a very simple way.

  3. It is really interesting to find out that people have worked out ways to store the radioactive waste but I wonder how permanent those storage methods are, either way if nuclear power plants continue to produce nuclear waste as a byproduct then we will certainly have to develop ways to store it safely or else nuclear power will be completely impractical to continue using in the long run.

  4. Until reading your post I was unaware of the methods of disposing nuclear waste. After learning these methods, I am curious as to where the nuclear waste is stored. In addition to where it is stored, I wonder how reactive the nuclear waste is after being stored for a certain amount of time.


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