If you print this, only print the first 15 pages, as the rest is Comments from readers.
Every chance to read is a chance to focus your thinking and increase your awareness on this spinning globe.
All my best,
Mike Lohre
Here's the link: http://www.artberman.com/oil-prices-lower-forever-hard-times-in-a-failing-global-economy/
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
Alan Savory TED talk. From Mike Lohre
Let's analyze the strengths and weaknesses of visionary Alan Savory's TED talk and compose active listening notes.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Journal 8- Shelby Weber
The Logical Insanity podcast was very informative and provided more background information than I had ever learned in high school. I found the podcast very interesting and enjoyed hearing more about the American side of the bombing since most historical information is only about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the beginning of the podcast, when the speaker said, "that war crime saved your life." I thought this was interesting because if one would have followed all the rules of war correctly than you would have died and many more would have died also. Some information I found amusing was that Strategic bombing was the entire basis for World War Two. Many people suspected the terror bombing before it began in Britain. The Zepplin Fleet was sent to Britain and committed war crimes killing many civilians.
German Zeppelin ship |
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Journal Eight: Katie Shower
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Dan Carlin's podcast "Logical Insanity." Before I listened to this I thought it would be super boring, but I was surprised to hear that it wasn't. Darn Carlin speaks so excitingly about this topic and really gives his own voice so it makes it enjoyable. You can hear the anxiousness in his voice and that's what you want as a listener. I was happy to learn more about atomic bombs. Before this chapter in class, I didn't know much about this topic, I had only heard about Hiroshima. It was interesting learning about the bombs and the effect they had on the people. It was also interesting learning about the American side of things. You know, most of the time you only hear about Japan's side and how horrible it was for them, which I agree--it was. But, the American's had a reason for doing so. President Truman decided to drop the bomb and Dan Carlin reads an exerp from Truman's diary while he was in presidency. What I thought was important was when he says "the official line was, that both of the bombs dropped on Japan were dropped on military targets, all those civilians that died were just collateral damage." I think this is significant because they were aiming for the people that were fighting against them, but of course innocent people died too because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. They didn't just drop a bomb and hope it killed anyone and everyone in sight. Overall, Dan Carlin did a great job speaking on such a controversial topic and touched on things many people would be afraid to speak on.
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Picture of the American plane leaving right after bombing Hiroshima |
Monday, November 21, 2016
Jessica, Wil and Sam: Walt Whitman
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Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Be specific.
Taylor and Ciera: Laura Ingalls Wilder
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First, write about something well done. What did you learn from this group? What part of the Presentation seemed the best? Be specific, and use a specific example from the Presentation and your notes.
Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear? What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished? Be specific.
Journal 8: Shel
I found the podcast, Logical Insanity, to be very interesting. What I enjoyed most about it was all the history that he had to provide along with the journals taken from Harry Truman and other leaders including German officers. The main idea behind the podcast I believe was justifying the tactics that seem so cruel during the times of war. Carlin said during the podcast that "sometimes war crimes are understandable". After that he said that it was acceptable to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it saved 10-15 times as many lives than it ended. The US also justified dropping the atomic bomb because it was so precise compared to the other bombs they were use to dropping. So, when they did drop it, they mainly affected the factories and said that along with the successful drop, they were also going to be innocent people killed. They couldn't have the success without any innocent casualties. He also explained the idea of carnage happens to prevent more carnage and that anything to end the war is justifiable. In the case of Hamburg in 1943, fire bombs began to show how bombs would go on to kill more and more people. Bombs were used as a forceful way to take away people's will to fight, but these bombs were so devastating that it did much more than that.
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Hamburg after 1943 fire bombing that caused mass destruction and casualties |
Journal 8- Kenzie
I thought that the Logical Insanity podcast was very interesting. I liked that it gave us more of the Americans perspective on the bombing whereas we got the Japanese Perspective from the book Hiroshima. I loved that he dug in to the morality of bombs and the morality behind war. How now we basically have rules where we have decided we would not use certain kinds of weapons on the enemy. Not everything is fair game, even in war. One of my favorite quotes from this podcast is "when is it permissible to kill 100,000 civilians in a Japanese city when you're going to save 10 times or 15 times or 20 times that number. When did it become okay to make these sorts of calculations." He talked about how the atomic bomb was proposed to only be banned for five years at first because they may be able to make it more precise (so they wouldn't harm as large of an area or as many civilians) and that could be a gift to mankind because it would make war much shorter and easier. I found this idea interesting, but I don't necessarily agree with it. In war we have enemies, but a life is still a life and I don't think it is okay to wipe out an entire army group when there may have been other ways to end the war with less casualties. On the other hand, it is not very humane to have things like firebombings, which he also discussed, that were also going on in Japan during WWII. He talked about how eye witnesses from Hiroshima and the firebombings had very similar descriptions of the events. In a lot of ways these were similar and it caused the Japanese to just want an end to it all. Overall this podcast brought up some ideas that I had never thought of before and I learned a lot more about the Americans perspective and why we ended up dropping the atomic bomb.
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The aftermath of the firebombing of Tokyo is the left picture and the aftermath of Hiroshima is the right picture. Not much of a difference between the two. |
Journal 8: Alexis Hensel
After listening to Logical Insanity, all I can say is... wow. The enthusiasm Dan Carlin has for history is very inspiring. History is not a subject that I find myself extremely interested in, but this podcast was so powerful and informative that I found myself enjoying it. A theme that I thought occurred throughout was perspective. When Carlin stated, "In order to understand the perspective, we have to know the circumstances," it really made me think. Often times people assume and make judgement on situations that we do not know a lot about. For example, nuclear warfare is a topic that leads to a lot of questions. Carlin spoke about how and when people decide that it is okay to harm civilians, explaining that it really ends up being a question of one's morality, which I completely agree with. The Holocaust was mentioned several times in this podcast. This surprised me at first, but after realizing the similar affects that nuclear warfare and the Holocaust had, it makes complete sense. By relating two topics such as nuclear warfare and the Holocaust, I was able to realize things that I wouldn't have been able to without this comparison. Both events killed a vast amount of people. However, Carlin explained that nuclear warfare could have saved lives during the Holocaust. I had never thought of this. It is difficult to find something positive out of nuclear warfare, but this could definitely be seen as a positive. Overall, I believe that Dan Carlin explained this topic in such a way that was very easy to understand. Most importantly though, he touched on topics that really made me think.
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How can nuclear warfare effect man-kind? |
Journal 8 - Betsy Lyons
I really enjoyed listening to Logical Insanity. Dan Carlin is incredibly passionate about what he is speaking on. He also offers a different perspective than the Hiroshima gave us. Carlin talks about his step father who served in the last year of World War II in which his step father was grateful for the atomic bomb because he felt that he was truly going to die from the Kamikaze pilots. Carlin's step father was not the only one to think that either. We are gaining the perspective of the American side of the Atomic Bomb. This podcast also gave more information on the Atomic Bomb that was not mentioned in Hiroshima. A lot of people worldwide discussed the morality of the Atomic Bomb. I understand why the bomb was dropped, in order to save American lives. Although, the Americans did drop the bomb on major cities in Japan which also housed many innocent civilians. I agree with the morality of dropping the bomb. In war, it's almost like everyone is out for themselves. The people in charge have a duty to protect their people. Carlin states, "In 1944 there would have been more American lives lost than in the entire war combined." The United States had to do something in order to protect the American lives and instead of withdrawing troops, the United States of America ended the war. One historical example that the podcast mentioned was the bombing of England by the Germans back during World War I. Air raid sirens went off fifteen to twenty minutes after the declaration of war by the British. Winston Churchill's wife mentioned that the Germans were always precise and punctual. Overall this podcast really showed a different insight of the Atomic Bomb. It's always important to gain different perspectives on the same issue in order to fully grasp what went on, and the reasoning behind why they did the things they did.
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A German fighter plane flying over England about to drop bombs |
Journal 8- Seth Wicker
After listening to Logical Insanity I have only one word that comes to mind. Perspective. When we think about WWII we typical only think about the Atomic Bomb, in regard to bombings, but after listening to the podcast my eyes were opened to the severity of damage caused by bombing prior to the atomic bomb. When the difference was mentioned between fire bombing and the atomic bomb the question was asked," Would you rather be baked or broiled?" I think this question raised a good point, that point being the fact that catastrophic damage was already occurring. One thing that amazed me is that some individuals saw the atomic bomb as a relief. Insane or Logical? How could someone see something so destructive as a relief? This is where the perspective came in for me, these cities in countries were being more and more deterierated day by day until they were nothing but broken bricks and splintered wood. In a sense the atomic bomb put an end to the firebombing along with the war. Seeing this reaction to the bomb is what stuck with me. These individuals had been through so much loss and pain that they were ready for it all to end and for them the A-bomb was the end to the destruction. Listening to Logical Insanity caused me to stop and take a new perspective on the situation that individuals were placed in during that time and as a result I have a new understanding and respect for the desicion that was made.
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The firebombing of Tokyo in WWII |
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Journal Eight-Young
I enjoyed listening to Logical Insanity—as much as one can enjoy a thorough historical discussion of large-scale human death. Carlin defines logical insanity in the context of the questions and answers: the answers are logical, but the questions themselves are insane. He explores how the people of the world regarded war, what was morally acceptable and what wasn’t in the face of war, and how this mindset ran parallel to the development of air warfare.
In the first half of the show, Carlin was making the argument that the development and use of air bombing was the unequivocal marker of the shift in how we thought about war; the use of air bombing meant that collateral damage (the loss of civilian life) was morally justifiable. Carlin maps out this shift, and I chose a few points that I believe best summarizes his argument.
- During WWI, technology developed that changed how we fight wars—air bombing. At first, aircrafts, called “lighter than air”, were used as mere scouting tools, but they were soon used as a means of bombing. This was a new, devastating way to wage war that was quickly embraced and evolved rapidly with the idea that the prospect of such destructive power would deter future conflict. With bombing becoming more and more prevalent, people became desensitized to it. Early bombing techniques were rather ineffective and so people did not object to it.
- Over the course of WWI, land warfare had changed as well. Battles were fought on much larger and longer lasting scales. In previous wars, a battle that last three days was considered especially heinous, but the battles of WWI lasted for years.
- During WWII, the views of an Italian general named Giulio Douhet, who insisted that nations had to utilize air bombing because the enemy was surely going to, greatly affected the way the world looked at war . Douhet developed this philosophy that disregarded the morality of fighting and focused on the effectiveness of it—war would be “over in five minutes” with this new power.
- Finally, after the frightful evolution of air bombing technology and the public idea of war, it became impossible to ban it. The League of Nations was not a strong enough global power to enforce such a thing and, even if they did ban it, such a policy would be easy enough to get around. At any rate, most nations were reluctant to let it go for fear that their enemies would not and would then have the upper hand on them.
In the second half of the show, Carlin illuminates the downward spiral that was the Second World War. The use of air bombing became prevalent, and while all nations insisted that their targets were exclusively military ones, usually factories concerned with military production, there was no way to accurately drop bombs. In fact, Carlin tells us that at one point in the war, only two thirds of bombs dropped landed within five miles of the target area. This accuracy was compromised even more because bombs were usually dropped at night because any aircraft that attacked during the day was quickly shot down. Despite all of these concessions, the powers of the world sanctioned the use of air bombing, which meant the inevitable loss of civilian life. Bombing became a means of controlling morale; if you were bombing the enemy, it was “morale bombing”, but if you were the one being bombed it was “terror bombing”. World War II, compounded with the philosophy of Douhet, became a war of attrition, and any “means of stopping the killing machine became morally justifiable”.
I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion of how the world’s view of war changed and how this change allowed the use of air bombing even though it cost thousands of innocent civilian lives. I particularly enjoyed a few of the examples that Carlin gave. I loved when he described how science fiction writers like Jules Verne and H.G. Wells affected the public view of air bombing, it reminded me how powerful literature can be on popular culture. I also enjoyed the example of General William Tecumseh Sherman’s March to the Sea, who blatantly attacked civilians during the Civil War in the hope that it would pressure the opposing government to seek peace. This example blew my mind—a man really believed that killing innocent people would help end a war, and this happened years before even WWI. Just crazy.
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(top) London, 1940 (bottom) Berlin, after war both cities, both sides of the conflict, laid to waste ![]() |
Journal 8 Tiffney Shepherd
The podcast was very interesting and was well planned out. I like how he said "dropping bombs like Helter Skelter". That kind of gave me the picture in my head on how the bombings were. I also don't believe the number of people he said that died in the bombings. I also like how he told told about what public buildings to hit and which ones to avoid. I find it hard to swallow that people in the bombings were consider collaertal damage in a good amount.Another quote he used in the broadcast was "If you bomb us we will wipe you out" from Hitler. That is very disturbing quote to hear. It seem that Hitler just wanted to wipe anyone who was not like him. So this led Hitler to wipe out almost 6 million Jews. About 6 years ago I had the opportunity to interview a holocaust survivor Stanley Ronell. He told how him and his family escape from the Nazis and survived. The one thing I did learned from him was in war many will be killed, but in war there is also hope.
The reason I choose this pictures was to show you in the midst of war where towns were destroyed and people being killed, you can overcome and rebuild.
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This was the photo taken at a speaking event at Treca Digital Academy. |
Journal 8 - Andrew Joseph
Dan Carlin, if that’s who’s talking, has an intense voice! He has what seems to be never ending information and personal views on this topic which is incredibly great. When I began the podcast I was intrigued as to why it was named “Logical Insanity” I could only infer that it was named because of the chaos the bomb ensued after detonating and the logical place it came from on our side to release it in the first place. After listening to the podcast I believe he’s talking about a phase of acceptable craziness. “The questions are insane, but the answers are logical when your put in that position.” I also was caught by the journal entry from Harry Truman describing the Japanese as “acceptable collateral damage.” Jess wrote about that a couple profiles before me, read hers… I agree. The cultural context that I found was very generalized. We have to understand today what was yesterday to see why it was logical then and not so illogical as we believe it is today. We’ve been growing up in a world post bomb not during, we have no way of knowing why this was logical and the podcast gave me that piece of mind. Very informative and passionate speaker.
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Location in Japan effected by the bomb. |
Journal 8 Cieria
This podcast really gave a different view from the Hiroshima book that we read. This was more of a tactical military view of the situation. A quote that stood out to me was something that was quoted from early discussions on what kind of impact the new atomic bomb would have and one person said that there was "nothing new about death." This really makes one want to blame the entire concept of war for the tragedies in Japan. I think it also shows how little they really knew of the long term impact of the bombs on people. It was also crazy that they wanted to bomb at night when the civilians would be in their shelters, but the bombers limited accuracy grew even worse in the dark. One historical example was when the Germans bombed the Dutch even after they agreed to the terms of surrender, simply because they did not see it.
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Dutch soldiers |
Journal 8 Chelsey
I thought the podcast was very interesting. I have never really herd anything like it. It was really saddening to me, because I don't think that this amount of innocent cassualities is justifiable. Even though he reasoned about why it was. I still can't grasp how something so terrible could be so justifilable. In the pod cast when Truman refers to people as " Acceptable collaertal damage" I was really somewhat irritated and I couldn't understand why. This podcast was really interesting and had a lot of historical information however, I still do not agree with the logic of dropping the bomb as well as thinking the lives lost was just acceptable collateral damage. It just was really sad and hard to listen to.
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This is a picture of the aftermath of the bomb dropping and a man observing the damage. |
Journal 8 Jessica Onate
When I first started listening to the podcast, I could not imagine how dropping atomic bombs could be justifiable. After listening, I could better understand the reasoning or "logic" behind dropping the bombs. I do not support these decisions, but I would have to be in their shoes to understand. One phrase that stood out to me was the part in Harry Truman's diary entry that talked about Japanese civilians being "acceptable collateral damage". It's so sad that human beings were considered the collateral damage of the bomb. The author of the podcast mentioned that that the fire raids in Japan during WW2 were killing a lot more people than the bombs, and that it was more "logical" to drop a bomb that would result in killing less people in total, and end the war sooner. This helped me understand why the bombs were dropped in the first place. I was very surprised about how much historical context the author used, and how detailed the podcast was. Overall, it was very interesting but very sad.
This picture shows a clock and a bomb being dropped. I cannot imagine the fear of not knowing how long war will continue to go on, and how many more people will continue to die.
This picture shows a clock and a bomb being dropped. I cannot imagine the fear of not knowing how long war will continue to go on, and how many more people will continue to die.
Journal 8 - Carli
Explosion from the bombs dropped on Japan |
This podcast was well thought out and gave good information and examples about the atomic bombs. An historical example that I thought helped understand what he was talking about was when he said that the atomic bombs were a fare type of warfare for that time, But how did they come to be that way. I thought this helped with understanding his view of all the atomic bombs being dropped. A quote that i really liked was when he was talking about his step father and how he was in WWII when he was 18 and he asked his step father if a war crime saved his life while hurting lives of so many people. This is what his step father said " Every birthday passed my 18th was a blessing from the atomic bomb". I think that he believes that without the bomb being dropped on Japan he would not be here today.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Journal 8: Katie Wagoner
Before watching this blog I was very confused about what logical insanity means. I feel that Carlin's did good at providing a lot of information/research from history into his podcast to explain what logical insanity is and to provide some sort of reasoning to why we found it okay to bomb Hiroshima. The historical example that I found most helpful was when he was talking about Hitler and the holocaust. I think this example was most helpful because I actually knew some things about Hitler and the holocaust. The quote that stood out to me was when Carlin said that Hitler stated "...don't mistake my humanity for weakness". I feel like this is what any leader would think and would want their enemies to think of them. War makes us temporally insane. And war may make us make decisions that may have us do things against our own 'human' and civil nature. Carlin's even mentioned at one point how if someone was to stay in the state of war for too long, it would have detrimental effects; this makes sense.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Jeff Bezos: Katie and Lexi
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Oprah Winfrey: Chelsey and Carli
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Elon Musk: Ben and Matt
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Kurt Cobain: Andrew and Shel
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Monday, November 14, 2016
Jackie Robinson: Kristen and Seth
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Julia Childs: Shelby and Kenzie
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Crazy Horse: Betsy and Katie
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Martin Luther King Jr.: Tiffney and Jennifer
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Journal 7 Tiffney Shepherd
- The two characters that I will hold on to is Reverend Mr.Kiyoshi Tanimoto and Dr. Masakazu Fuji. Reverend Mr.Kiyoshi Tanimoto was a caring person and who was willing to others before himself. He would go around after the bomb fell and try to save as many as he can. We need more people like him around. I would do the same thing if I was in his shoes. Dr.Masakazu Fuji was a well known physician and after the war he dedicated more and more of himself to helping people that are medical need. We need more doctors like him that truly care for his patients and not munch for the money.
- I would say it’s a bit of both emotional and spiritual for reading this book. Just by reading this book, you feel what the characters feel and picture what the scene was like. I could not imagine being able to live through such horror, but I would not give up just like the characters in this book did.
- The first passage I choose was “At least a thousand of the wounded made their way to the hospital in town”.The reason I choose this passage is because it shows you about how many people needed help. This was only a small percentage of the people that was recorded at that time. The second passage I choose is “Despite the family’s poverty, the children seemed to be growing normally”. The reason I choose this one is, to show in rough times of food and water shortage, the children were doing well. The third passage I choose is “And where were you on August 6, 1945, at eight-fifteen in the morning”? The reason I choose this one is because it makes as a lasting reminder on what really happened that day.
- I think all the countries need to come together and eliminate or limit the use of nuclear weapons. Seeing the tragedy like Hiroshima makes you think twice of what this type of weapon could do. That is why we need to keep the story of Hiroshima alive, that way we can learn from our mistakes.
Journal 7: Jessica Onate
All of the characters in Hiroshima are very
significant, and I wish I could hold on to all of them. However, if I had to
pick two, I would pick Dr. Sasaki, and Father Kleinsorge. I liked Dr. Sasaki
because he was just so strategic in what he did, and he used his ambition,
money and skills to help the sick instead of giving himself a rich lifestyle.
He was not a doctor for the money, he was a doctor for the people, and that to
me was very meaningful. He used his money to build hospitals and other places
for those in need. What I liked the most about him, was that he never gave up.
Even after his diseases and weariness from the bombing, the awful memories, and
even the death of his wife, Dr. Sasaki never let anything get in the way of
pursuing his goals. Another character I liked was Father Kleinsorge. Just like
Dr. Sasaki, Father Kleinsorge never gave up. Despite his own health issues, he
persisted on comforting the hibakusha, and helping convert souls. As John Hersey
quoted, “they thought he might literally kill himself with kindness to others”.
And in fact, he did die because constantly moving around helping others caused
his health to worsen.
I don’t want to forget the sorrow I felt for
these people. Reading this book was rough, I actually felt very sad in some
parts. These were real human beings just like us, and to be able to know in
detail what their experiences were like shocked me. We hear about war and
tragedies on the news all the time, but we don’t always get a first-hand at
what people are going through. Reading this made me thankful for my safety, for
my family, and for my health.
3. “When
Mr. Tanimoto, with his basin still in his hand reached the park, it was very
crowded, and to distinguish the living from the dead was not easy, for most of
the people lay still with their eyes open….the hurt ones were quiet no one
wept, much less creamed in pain”. P 36
This quote really stood out to me. It gave
a perfect picture of what the people killed in the bomb looked like. I can’t
imagine the horror I would go through if I was one of the survivors looking at
these images.
hibakusha employers developed a prejudice against the survivors as word got
around that they were prone to all sorts of ailments”. P 93
This quote made me angry and sad at the
same time. It was just so unfair that hibakusha could not get jobs because of
the prejudices held against them. They didn’t ask for what happened to them. I
wish people would have been more empathetic with them.
bombing had been four decades ago. How far away it seemed! The sun blazed that
day”. P.100
In this part of the book, Hersey was
talking about the flower festival in Hiroshima, and when Nakamura-san was
dancing. I liked this quote a lot because after decades of the bombing, people
could be happy again. I could picture the flowers, the sunny and warm day, the
happy dancers, etc. It made me feel happy inside that people could enjoy their
life again, especially Nakamura-san and other survivors.
There are several things we can do as
individuals to avoid these kinds of catastrophizes in the future. It would
however, require every individual playing their own part in the process. As individuals, we can inspire peace and
love. We can be kind to others, and less selfish. If people would put more
effort into being kind, we could prosper a unified community, and from there a
more unified nation, and a more unified world. Churches, the government, and
other groups could play major roles in helping create this type of
Another thing we can do on the personal level
is to participate in our political system. We should voice our opinions, communicate
with our representatives, and vote for representatives of our community, state,
and nation who will do a better job of fostering peace and unity.
Journal Seven-Young
want to remember Mr. Tanimoto and Father Kleinsorge because both of these men
defined the term selfless during this harrowing time. Mr. Tanimoto rushed
around in the wreckage of the city finding and saving his injured countrymen. He
worked tirelessly for other people and became a leader for the survivors.
Likewise, during the aftermath of the bomb as the people of Hiroshima tried to
rebuild, Father Kleinsorge was an irreplaceable support for so many people. I
admire most the way these men gave of themselves to their community. The pure
selflessness that they had amazed me—it is a trait that I hope to one day be
able to have as well.
Mr. Tanimoto was rounding up survivors in his boat, he came across some badly
injured people on a sandpit and, of course, he tried to save them—“He reached
down and took a woman by the hands, but her skin slipped off in huge, glovelike
pieces” (45). When I read this line, I was physically
shocked. My heart skipped, my breath caught, my eyes widened. It just hit me,
out of nowhere. Tanimoto had this woman in his hands, was dragging her to safety,
and she came apart and slipped away. It was so vividly grotesque and, what’s
more, it was real. Just crazy.
chose these passages because I believe that they represent lessons that the
world can benefit from.
had firsthand knowledge of the cruelty of the atomic bomb, but she felt that
more notice should be given to the causes than to the instruments of total war”
(122). I believe in this message. The survivors of the atomic bomb went through
unimaginable pain, and deserve the utmost respect and memory, but to not address
the underlying cause of their suffering would be an insult to them. By knowing
and understanding the historical causes of total war, maybe we can protect the
whole day, Father Kleinsorge was oppressed by the thought that all the damage
he saw had been done in one instant by one bomb” (67). This quote is so potent.
That is truly what made the atomic bomb so horrible, the fact that just one
decision, just one bomb, just one instant, changed everything for this city and
its people and the world in general. It makes me think about how tenuous life
hurt ones were quiet; no one wept, much less screamed in pain; no one
complained; none of the many who died did so noisily; not even the children
cried; very few people even spoke” (36). Like the noiseless flash of the bomb,
the suffering of the people was silent. I believe that this emphasizes these
people’s strength as well as their pain. This quote offers a very real picture
of their pain to the world.
the world to avoid war there needs to be thorough communication between the
people of different nations. It is okay that there be different goals, motives,
and desires amongst different countries, but there also has to be respect for
these differences, and understanding. There must be open discussion about these
differences; no longer should important topics be discussed behind closed
doors, out of sight of citizens. So many decisions are made by a select few
that affects so many. The people of the world have the right to participate in
the world’s decisions. But, for this to be achievable the people of the world
must keep open minds and open hearts. As individuals, we cannot perpetuate
hateful outlooks if there is to be peace. As individuals, we cannot condemn
others for being different if there is to be peace. It is okay to not agree
with someone, but that does not mean it is okay to hate them for their opinions.
I believe that openness and acceptance is the key to world peace.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Journal Seven: Katie Shower
Part One:
I think the two character's that impacted me the most are Dr. Terufumi Sasaki and Kiyoshi Tanimoto. I will remember Dr. Sasaki because he was a surgeon at the Red Cross hospital and he did everything he could to help save the people in his community. That says a lot about his character. He later operates on his own wife's leg, which I'm sure was hard. The other character I'll always remember is Mr Tanimoto because he helped save many people by bringing them to safety. That says a lot about him because he helped save many people's lives and he didn't have to do that.
Part Two:
The reaction or response of mine that I don't want to forget was the feeling after reading the first and second chapters. The way John Hersey described everything, you could almost picture all of the people taking cover when seeing the light and all the dead bodies they found after the bombing. It gives you a feeling of gratefulness that we haven't gone through that.
Part Three:
Three passages I don't want to forget are:
"Disposal of the dead, by decent cremation and enshrinement, is a greater moral responsibility to the Japanese than adequate care of the living." (pg. 63) This just is a nice way of saying they wanted to dispose of the dead in an appropriate way for their inside morals. I like the way this phrase is written and it just paints a good picture in your mind of exactly what Hersey is saying.
"eye sockets were hollow, the fluid from their melted eyes had run down their cheeks." (pg. 51) This is so gory but it really shows how serious everything was. It made me think of like walking dead and like walking zombies, but this was the harsh reality of what was really happening, I'm sure it was absolutely horrifying to the Hiroshima people.
"Much of Dr. Sasaki's work as a surgeon at the Red Cross Hospital in the next five years was in the removal of keloid scars-hideously ugly, thick, itchy, rubbery, copper-red crablike growths that often formed over bad burns that hibakusha had suffered, and particularly those victims who had been exposed to the great heat of the bomb within two kilometers of the hypo-center." I like this explanation of what exactly radiation does to your skin. It takes time but it does eventually hurt you.
Part Four:
I think the best way to avoid such catastrophes in the future is to do what Mr. Tanimoto did and preach and practice peace. I don't know much about world issues but that's what I would say is best to prevent conflict. Activate peace. Every country deserves peace; every person can preach peace.
I think the two character's that impacted me the most are Dr. Terufumi Sasaki and Kiyoshi Tanimoto. I will remember Dr. Sasaki because he was a surgeon at the Red Cross hospital and he did everything he could to help save the people in his community. That says a lot about his character. He later operates on his own wife's leg, which I'm sure was hard. The other character I'll always remember is Mr Tanimoto because he helped save many people by bringing them to safety. That says a lot about him because he helped save many people's lives and he didn't have to do that.
Part Two:
The reaction or response of mine that I don't want to forget was the feeling after reading the first and second chapters. The way John Hersey described everything, you could almost picture all of the people taking cover when seeing the light and all the dead bodies they found after the bombing. It gives you a feeling of gratefulness that we haven't gone through that.
Part Three:
Three passages I don't want to forget are:
"Disposal of the dead, by decent cremation and enshrinement, is a greater moral responsibility to the Japanese than adequate care of the living." (pg. 63) This just is a nice way of saying they wanted to dispose of the dead in an appropriate way for their inside morals. I like the way this phrase is written and it just paints a good picture in your mind of exactly what Hersey is saying.
"eye sockets were hollow, the fluid from their melted eyes had run down their cheeks." (pg. 51) This is so gory but it really shows how serious everything was. It made me think of like walking dead and like walking zombies, but this was the harsh reality of what was really happening, I'm sure it was absolutely horrifying to the Hiroshima people.
"Much of Dr. Sasaki's work as a surgeon at the Red Cross Hospital in the next five years was in the removal of keloid scars-hideously ugly, thick, itchy, rubbery, copper-red crablike growths that often formed over bad burns that hibakusha had suffered, and particularly those victims who had been exposed to the great heat of the bomb within two kilometers of the hypo-center." I like this explanation of what exactly radiation does to your skin. It takes time but it does eventually hurt you.
Part Four:
I think the best way to avoid such catastrophes in the future is to do what Mr. Tanimoto did and preach and practice peace. I don't know much about world issues but that's what I would say is best to prevent conflict. Activate peace. Every country deserves peace; every person can preach peace.
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