Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Journal 2 from Cieria

Hello, my name is Cieria.  This is my fourth, but not last year at OSUM.  I will hopefully get my BSBA spring 2018.  This is my only class this semester where I meet in person with a professor (all of my other classes are distance learning business classes).  I currently live in between Waldo and Marion with my husband and two dogs, but hope to move out of state after I graduate.  A fun fact about me is that I have two TVs in my living room so that my husband and I can play Xbox together.

Me and my husband, Tony at the zoo lights (sorry, I haven't taken many pictures recently)

The profile about Robert Shields meant the most to me.  (He was the person with the diary of every minute if you do not recall).  Even though his story was written in 1993 (before most of us were born, I would assume), I found it quite refreshing.  Some may see what he did as a weird compulsion, but I like to see him as a man who did something that gave his life meaning every day.  Nobody made him write his diary. He did it because he wanted to, without caring what a single person person thought of it.  I find that pretty inspiration, even if it isn't the most exciting person to read about.  I also relate to this profile because I often do things that most people would consider unnecessary, or a waste of time because it lowers my high anxiety (without the side affects of medication).   I do not have OCD or absolutely HAVE to do certain things, but it helps me feel more relaxed and able to live my daily life.

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